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LinkedIn has evolved into a career-centric platform that serves as a network for professionals to connect with others within their industry. One of the most helpful features on the platform that aims to make communication easier and more efficient is LinkedIn’s Custom Message Templates.

Understanding LinkedIn Custom Message Templates

LinkedIn Custom Message Templates is a feature that allows professionals to streamline their communication by using personalized pre-written messages for various common interactions on the platform. This tool is highly efficient for those who are frequently contacting fresh connections, sending out business proposals or reaching out to potential employees for an available position.

Traditionally, conversations on LinkedIn start with a personalized note when sending a connection request or a custom direct message. To communicate effectively, one has to often craft an individual message for each conversation taking into account the specific context of the interaction. This engaging approach can take up a lot of time, especially, for those who are managing a high volume of LinkedIn messages regularly.

That’s where LinkedIn Custom Message Templates come in handy. These are pre-composed message templates that can be personalized to suit each unique interaction. Whether you are sending a thank you note after an interview, congratulating someone on a new role, asking for introductions or pitching a service to a potential client, LinkedIn’s Custom Message Templates can be used to send professionally curated messages, while saving time.

Creating a Persuasive LinkedIn Custom Message Template

To make the most out of LinkedIn Custom Message Templates, they need to be well-written and persuasive. Here are some tips on creating compelling templates:

**Keep It Short:** People are often juggling multiple tasks at a time, and long messages can be off-putting. Keep your message concise while including all the necessary details.

**Be Personal:** While it’s a template, it should have that personal touch to avoid sounding robotic or generic. Use the recipient’s name, refer to their profile or recent activity to show you’ve taken the time to understand who they are.

**Focus on the Recipient:** The message should be more about the recipient than about your own offerings. Rather than promoting what you have, emphasize how it can potentially benefit the recipient.

**Call to Action:** End your message with a clear, direct call-to-action. Make sure it’s concise, uncomplicated, and easy for the recipient to act on.

LinkedIn Custom Message Templates and LinkedIn InMail

When used efficiently, LinkedIn Custom Message Templates can significantly augment the productivity and effectiveness of your LinkedIn InMail strategy. InMail is LinkedIn’s private messaging feature that allows you to reach out to anyone on the platform, regardless of whether you’re connected to them or not.

Custom Message Templates can be particularly useful in crafting InMail messages that pique the recipient’s interest and evoke a response. Additionally, the tool also helps in maintaining consistency in your communication while ensuring that you stay true to your brand’s tone and professionalism.

In addition, LinkedIn Custom Message Templates can also be leveraged during LinkedIn’s automated messaging campaigns, thus largely gearing up the work-flow and enhancing the return on your efforts.

In conclusion, LinkedIn Custom Message Templates are an extremely helpful feature for professionals looking to optimize their LinkedIn communication strategy. By creating personal, concise, benefits-focused templates with a clear call-to-action, you can make the task of reaching out to connections or prospects more efficient and effective, thereby helping you make the most of your LinkedIn experience.

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