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Understanding Display Ads in Google Ads

Display advertising is a method of attracting the audience of a website to take a specific action. It involves presenting promotional messages through text, logos, animations, or visuals. Display Ads via Google Ads is a potent tool in today’s digital marketing suites, providing an excellent platform for businesses and advertisers to reach a broad audience via the Google Display Network.

How Display Ads in Google Ads Work

Before diving deeper into Display Ads in Google Ads, let’s start by understanding Google Ads. It’s a digital advertising solution provided by Google, offering advertisers two main platforms: Google Search Network and Google Display Network (GDN).

The Google Display Network is an assortment of over 2 million websites, videos, and apps, where Display Ads appear. Using Google Ads, advertisers can reach up to 90% of internet users worldwide, making it an invaluable advertising tool. Display Ads are generally less targeted than Google Search Ads and reach audiences when they’re doing things like browsing their favorite websites, watching a YouTube video, checking their Gmail account, or using mobile devices and apps.

Display Ads are typically more visually appealing compared to other ad formats. They can come in several sizes and forms, including text, image, interactive, and video ads. They can be fine-tuned using keywords, demographics, and retargeting, allowing advertisers to reach or re-engage users.

The cost of Google Display Ads varies depending on a few factors, such as the quality of the ad and the target audience. Still, generally, the average cost per click (CPC) on the Google Display Network is typically lower than on the Search Network.

The Impact of Google Display Ads on LinkedIn

Now that we have a better understanding of Display Ads in Google Ads let’s focus on how this pertains to LinkedIn, a hub for professionals worldwide.

With LinkedIn gaining popularity as a platform for professional networking and job searching, it has become an effective tool for businesses targeting other businesses (B2B) or professionals. The LinkedIn audience is mature and professional, and Google Display Ads can help businesses tap into this audience.

The Google Display Network includes LinkedIn among its myriad connected sites, which means display ads can appear on LinkedIn pages. If an advertiser chooses LinkedIn as a managed placement, the display ads become even more targeted and relevant to the professional LinkedIn audience. Display Ads can bring awareness to the brand, promote specific products or services, or encourage users to take a particular action like signing up for a newsletter or attending a webinar.

Google Display Ads can also be beneficial on LinkedIn for remarketing purposes. Remarketing helps businesses connect with people who previously interacted with their website or app. It strategically positions ads in front of these audiences as they browse Google or its partner websites like LinkedIn. This way, businesses can maintain top-of-mind awareness among customers by reminding them of the brand, enticing them to return, and potentially convert.

Businesses can also leverage LinkedIn’s detailed demographic data to refine their Google Display Ads. They can target the LinkedIn audience based on details such as job titles, skills, industries, and more, ensuring they reach the most relevant and potential customers.

In conclusion, Display Ads in Google Ads provide a significant opportunity to take advantage of the reach of the Google Display Network, including LinkedIn. The visual and engaging nature of Display Ads, coupled with the reach and intelligent targeting capabilities of Google Ads, offers businesses a powerful way to connect with LinkedIn’s unique professional audience.

Maintain a strategic, audience-focused approach in your campaigns, and Google Display Ads can be a valuable addition to your digital marketing toolkit, driving visibility, engagement, and conversions.

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