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LinkedIn Premium Career: A Detailed Overview

LinkedIn Premium Career is a subscription service offered by LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network. This subscription opens a whole new world of features that can supercharge your career journey and job search. Let’s dig deeper into what this paid service has to offer.

What is LinkedIn Premium Career?

LinkedIn Premium Career, often remembered as the LinkedIn power tool, is one of the four subscriptions provided by LinkedIn to individuals. It targets job seekers, career changers, and those aiming at building industry networks. This is the tier just above the free Basic LinkedIn and costs around $29.99 per month.

A key point to note about LinkedIn Premium Career is that it goes beyond the basic service by providing a suite of advanced features designed to boost your job search. It allows you to direct message recruiters even if they’re not connected, among many other useful features.

Key Features of LinkedIn Premium Career


The InMail feature of LinkedIn Premium Career enables you to send direct messages to any LinkedIn user, even without a previous connection. It’s an ideal tool to use when reaching out to potential employers or industry thought leaders. This feature bridges the connection gap, granting you direct access to individuals who may directly affect your career.

Informative Insights

LinkedIn Premium Career users get valuable insights for their job applications. You gain access to data that tells you how many people have applied for a particular post, along with a percentile ranking comparing your skills and education with other applicants. It also provides insights into a company’s growth and hiring trends.

LinkedIn Learning

With a LinkedIn Premium Career subscription, you get free access to LinkedIn Learning. This platform provides a vast array of online courses covering various professional skills, digital marketing, project management, and much more. These courses, led by industry experts, come with certifications that can be showcased on your profile — an excellent strategy to strengthen your professional credibility.

Open Profile

This feature allows interested recruiters to message you directly, even if they don’t have a Premium account. Having an open profile can potentially increase your chances of being noticed by a recruiter.

Who’s Viewed Your Profile

This is a feature that gives you an in-depth look at who’s been viewing your profile. This advanced analytics tool can be pivotal in shaping your engagement strategies, enabling you to see which posts are garnering attention and from whom.

Should You Upgrade to LinkedIn Premium Career?

The answer depends on your individual needs and career goals. If you are actively seeking a job or planning a career transition, the benefits of LinkedIn Premium Career could justify the investment.

InMail would be an excellent tool for you to make new connections that could lead to job opportunities. Detailed insights about job postings and applicants could give you an edge in your job applications. LinkedIn Learning could expand your skillset and make you more appealing to employers.

As with any other product or service, the value you derive depends on how well you utilize it. If you choose to upgrade, be sure to make the most of these features and direct them towards your career objectives.

Overall, LinkedIn Premium Career can be a potent tool in navigating your career and achieving your job targets. It offers a multitude of features designed to facilitate connections, attract opportunities, and secure career advancement. By leveraging LinkedIn Premium Career, you can potentially immerse yourself in industry trends, skill enhancement, and engagement with industry pioneers.

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