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With countless social media platforms, driving engagement and building an authority online have become increasingly challenging. LinkedIn, a professional networking site, stands apart because of its professional tone and content that focuses largely on business, entrepreneurship, and professional development. Among the several techniques marketers use to enhance their LinkedIn presence, content curation automation holds significant prominence. So, what exactly is LinkedIn content curation automation?

Understanding LinkedIn Content Curation Automation

LinkedIn Content Curation Automation refers to the use of automated tools or bots designed to search, gather, and present relevant content from various online sources to post on your LinkedIn profile. The central purpose is to keep your LinkedIn page active with regular updates and ensure that the content you share is valuable, informative, and engaging to your LinkedIn connections.

This practice not only makes your LinkedIn profile more vibrant and interactive, but also saves a lot of time and effort that you would otherwise spend searching the web manually for relevant content. Furthermore, regular posting of curated content establishes you as a thought leader in your industry, thus building trust and credibility among your audience.

For instance, if you are an IT professional, the automated tool would search for and present genuine and valuable IT-related content- news, blog posts, scholarly articles, and more. You can then review this content and share the ones that resonate best with your audience on your LinkedIn profile.

The Importance of LinkedIn Content Curation Automation

Content curation is a powerful strategy to remain proactive in your LinkedIn presence. It enables you to share third-party content relevant to your industry, nurtures your relationship with your audience, and positions you as a knowledgable figure in your field.

Curation automation takes this a notch higher by adding the much-needed component of time and effort economy. It allows you to focus more on your business or job while an automated tool takes care of the hard work.

Some key benefits of LinkedIn curation automation include:

1. Consistent Posting: Automation ensures that your LinkedIn profile is updated regularly. Consistency is key to establishing a strong presence on any social media platform.

2. Builds Trust: When you share valuable and insightful content (even if it’s not yours), your audience associates these qualities with you. This builds your reputation and earns you their trust.

3. Enhances Reach: As your content is shared and reshared by your connections, you reach more and more LinkedIn users than just your immediate connections.

4. Saves Time: As mentioned before, content curation automation saves you the time and effort of manual content hunting and curation.

How to Implement LinkedIn Content Curation Automation?

Begin by identifying your target audience and understanding what type of content resonates best with them. Then choose an automation tool that suits your budget and requirements.

There are several LinkedIn content curation automation tools available. Some of the popular ones include Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social. These tools provide keyword alerts that can help you keep track of industry trends, news, and blog posts as they are published, allowing you to share the freshest content with your LinkedIn connections.

Once you’ve picked an automation tool, all you need to do is set it up according to your needs, and it takes control from there, making your LinkedIn journey easier and more successful.

In sum, LinkedIn content curation automation is an incredibly beneficial strategy for maintaining an active and influential LinkedIn profile. It aids in building trust and authority in your industry while freeing up your valuable time. Remember, automation doesn’t mean authenticity has to suffer – always make sure the content you share aligns with your brand and is beneficial to your audience.

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