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Introduction to LinkedIn Cover Story

LinkedIn has always been committed to providing a transformative platform that enables professionals to network, collaborate, and advance their careers. With the introduction of the new LinkedIn Cover Story feature, users can make their profiles more engaging and distinct. This feature provides an enhanced platform for individual professionals, companies, and recruiters to make a strong first impression, showcase their skills, and tell their story more effectively.

What Is a LinkedIn Cover Story?

A LinkedIn cover story is an additional feature that allows users to add a short video to their profile. This video automatically plays when someone visits your profile. It is a powerful tool for personal branding, and it complements the traditional textual content of a LinkedIn profile.

The LinkedIn cover story provides an opportunity for a user to introduce themselves in their own voice, straight from their profile photo. This gives a personal touch to their profile, fostering deeper connections from the get-go. Imagine going beyond the average profile by giving a warm welcome to every visitor on your profile, sharing your career journey, your passions, your skills, or even what you are seeking on LinkedIn.

This feature is part of LinkedIn’s broader efforts to push its platform beyond mere text and static images to a world where video is integrated more seamlessly into the professional networking site. It’s an innovative way to provide more depth and breadth to your professional story, making it especially beneficial for job seekers, freelancers, entrepreneurs, and anyone else eager to highlight their personal brand.

How to Use Your LinkedIn Cover Story

The LinkedIn Cover Story is a prime piece of virtual real estate, so you’ll want to make the most of it for maximum impact.

Before you start recording, it is essential to put a bit of thought into it. What message do you want to convey? Would you like to share a crucial piece of your career journey, highlight a unique skill, or broadcast what you are currently interested in professionally? You can even use this opportunity to showcase your company culture if you’re a business owner or a team leader.

Once you’ve decided on what to share, it’s time to get recording. After clicking on your profile photo, you will see an option to create a cover story. The maximum length for the video is 20 seconds, which means you’ll want to keep your message concise and engaging. Don’t forget to look directly at the camera for a more personable tone.

When you have a cover story, a small video icon is displayed on your profile photo to let visitors know there’s more to see. The first few seconds of your video will auto-play silently when someone views your profile, encouraging them to click and hear your full story.

Remember, opportunities never cease for those who keep on innovating and stand out from the crowd. LinkedIn’s Cover Story is a new concept that presents unlimited potential for you to make a lasting impression. Whether you are a professional seeking new opportunities or an entrepreneur aiming to expand your reach, this feature can be a game changer, making your profile more engaging and lively. So go ahead, and start telling your cover story on LinkedIn!

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