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An Insider's View: What is LinkedIn Elevate?

LinkedIn Elevate is a game-changing service offered by the professional networking giant, LinkedIn. It is a powerful tool designed to empower companies in enhancing their online presence by leveraging the power of their employees’ network. Let’s dive deep into what LinkedIn Elevate is all about, how it works, and what makes it a special tool in LinkedIn’s arsenal.

A Deeper Understanding of LinkedIn Elevate

LinkedIn Elevate was launched in 2015 with the primary objective of helping companies create and maintain a robust social presence. The guidance behind LinkedIn Elevate arose from the interaction and interdependence of professional networking and content sharing. Essentially, it is a corporate avatar of LinkedIn’s popular Feed feature.

LinkedIn Elevate provides a unique way for companies to curate high-quality content that employees can easily share with their connections on LinkedIn—and even on Twitter. It combines LinkedIn’s unrivaled professional data with the objective to help companies and their employees be more successful by suggesting what content to share, who to share it with, and when is the best time to do so.

This platform therefore aims to increase a brand’s visibility and reputation. According to LinkedIn’s research, employees are two times as trusted compared to companies. This means, the more content employees share, the wider the audience reach and the higher the company’s credibility becomes.

As we live in an increasingly digital era where corporate entity and personal branding blend, LinkedIn Elevate churns out content that aligns with both a company’s brand and its employees’ professional interests. This encourages employees to share the content, extending the company’s reach beyond traditional measures. Moreover, with LinkedIn Elevate’s analytical tools, companies can track the impact of the shared content, enabling them to adjust and optimize their content marketing strategies.

The End of LinkedIn Elevate's Standalone Journey

In 2020, LinkedIn announced that it would be discontinuing Elevate as a standalone app and integrating its capabilities into LinkedIn Pages. The idea behind this move was to streamline the process of promoting and elevating content by connecting it closely with the place where the content originates. Despite the discontinuation of LinkedIn Elevate as a standalone service, the essence of the program is still very much alive and continues to offer immense value.

It takes the concept of employee advocacy to next level by tapping into the network effect of the employee base. While the platform has retired as separate service, its functionalities remain intact, only absorbed into LinkedIn Pages. Today, employees affiliated with their organization’s LinkedIn Page can receive content suggestions based on page activity via the “My Company” tab on LinkedIn. Undoubtedly, the power of LinkedIn Elevate lives on, knocking down the traditional walls of content marketing and helping companies to make use of their most potent marketing resource – their employees!

In conclusion, LinkedIn Elevate is a powerful tool that amplifies a company’s brand by harnessing the power of its employees’ networks. While it may not exist as a standalone service anymore, it continues to contribute largely to the omnichannel marketing strategy of organizations worldwide. The next time you see an employees from specific companies sharing insightful content on their LinkedIn profiles, you now know that it’s the power of LinkedIn Elevate – or as we say now, LinkedIn Pages, at work!

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